So, you kissed him and enjoyed it. And, naturally, wanted to know whether he liked it or not.

When you kiss a guy, even if it’s a French kiss, it’s not just about your enjoyment. It definitely matters if the guy enjoyed the experience. Because this will help you know whether he would want to kiss you again and want to be with you. Or even interested in a relationship with you.
When you don’t know how he felt after a good kiss, you will continue to wonder about this.
Did I do something wrong?
Did my breath stink?
Was I too good at kissing? Or too clumsy?
All these questions will be churning in your mind. But is it possible to know if a guy enjoyed kissing you? The simple answer is yes. You can figure out how a guy felt while kissing him by paying attention to his body language. Even your reaction will tell you a lot about how he felt.
Without further ado, let’s check the signs a guy enjoyed kissing you.
11 signs to tell you that he loved the kiss
1. You loved the experience
The easiest way to know how a guy felt is to check how you felt about it. The reasoning is simple enough. If he felt uncomfortable with kissing or didn’t like it, his reaction will make you uncomfortable, even if his reaction is subtle and hidden.
Unless a guy enjoyed kissing you, you will not enjoy it. That is the simple truth. So, ask yourself if you enjoyed it. If you did, he must have enjoyed kissing you. You can also gauge how much he enjoyed it by knowing how much you enjoyed the experience.
2. It was a bit awkward
If you are kissing this guy for the first time, this may happen. You are not sure about how he would behave when kissing or his body movements. It is the same for him too. He isn’t sure about you. This may result in a comedy of errors. You may end up doing awkward things and try to cover the awkwardness by laughing about it.
Something you are holding while kissing may fall and you will try to grab it. Your phone may start ringing in between creating an uncertain situation. Your nose or teeth may awkwardly brush against the guy. If you are interrupted while kissing by such inconsequential happenings, he may not enjoy kissing you.
On the other hand, if your kiss went smoothly without interruptions and this guy was comfortable and relaxed with you, there is a high chance that he enjoyed it.
3. He gave you a hug
You stood kissing for a long while and he pulled you closer in a hug. This is definitely a good sign that your guy enjoyed kissing you.
A good kiss is a personal experience for both involved. If they enjoy it and get into the zone, it can lead to more intense moments. That is what happened here. The guy enjoyed your proximity and this turned him on. He wanted the experience to last longer and even heighten the intensity.
A good kiss can lead to more intimacy and physical contact.
4. He pauses, pulls back, and compliments you
When you are enjoying a new drink, won’t you check the label to know which brand? Though some may find the analogy too obtuse, the fact remains that we do the same when interacting with others.
If you are kissing a guy for the first time and he’s enjoying it, he may want to look at you just to make sure that this is really happening. He may say something nice about you, your lips, or your skill. The guy may be wondering why he’s experiencing sensual feelings and trying to figure out the answer by looking at you.
Though a pause while kissing may be considered bad, in this instance, it can only be good.
5. He moved on to kissing you on the neck
A typical kiss involves lips. But if both parties are enjoying it, things may get more intense and move on to more intimacy. As a first step, a guy may start kissing you on the neck. It is a clear sign that he is getting carried away by the moment.
As the intensity of kissing goes up, he may start running his tongue around the ears and the neck. This may lead to more kisses on the sides of the neck or even love bites. Do you know that the neck is the most common area for hickeys?
6. His hands are all over you
You are kissing one moment and the next you find his hands caressing you all over your body. Unless the guy enjoyed kissing, he won’t be doing this. Depending on his inhibitions and your encouragement, this can lead anywhere.
Most probably, you too responded equally passionately. You take cues from the reactions of each other and take it a step further. If both of you are okay with it, the kissing can lead all the way to making out or even a relationship.
7. He takes over control
Guys like to be in charge, even if it was you who initiated the kiss. When he starts enjoying the experience, he may not allow you to dominate the show. A guy will feel comfortable only when he’s in charge.
Rather than you guiding the course of the kissing, the guy will take control and take the lead. This may not be visible in the real sense, but you will feel the way he takes control of the situation.
8. He took it slow in between
When someone is enjoying something they are doing, they want it to last forever. They don’t want it to stop. To make this possible, they will take things slowly. With kissing, if the intensity and pace are going up faster, it can lead to more intimacy and intimate actions. On the other hand, your guy may want to savor every moment while kissing you and make the most of it.
Clearly, this guy is enjoying kissing you. He’s getting sensual pleasure out of it and slowing it down to enjoy it more. He may even close his eyes to derive more enjoyment from it.
9. He wasn’t into it
This is hard to explain. His heart was elsewhere. Meaning, his attention was on something else or something else was on his mind when he was kissing you. The guy kissed you in a mechanical way without putting any feelings into it. It was as if he didn’t care how you perceived his behavior.
There are guys like this who are so focused on certain things in life that they don’t give their wholehearted attention to intimacy while kissing. Their mind would be still on some problem they are trying to resolve at the office or even the game they are passionate about. Such guys are never going to enjoy anything else in life. Forget about a relationship with him.
10. He stopped when you thought it was going great
You were kissing passionately and you thought the guy was enjoying it. You definitely were. But then, all of a sudden, he withdrew saying that he has got to stop it. Most probably, the reason can be that your guy was scared that he would find it difficult to control himself if he allowed it to go further. After all, we know where a passionate kiss can lead us.
Don’t take it to heart that the guy abandoned you abruptly. He must have been unsure of how well he can control himself if he allows the intensity of the kiss to go too far. This means he enjoyed it in the first place. Be patient with the guy and he will come back for more.
11. He looks deeply into your eyes
Locking eyes is considered a romantic gesture. If your guy does this right after kissing you or in the middle of kissing, it is an encouraging sign that he enjoyed kissing you. Not only that, he may be trying to convey that he likes you and is interested in a relationship with you.
Typically people try to avoid eye contact when they aren’t comfortable with the other person or they don’t trust them. So, when your guy makes eye contact, that too with intensity, it is a sign that he enjoyed kissing and wants to see you again.
How does kissing make a guy feel?
Kissing involves intimacy and is considered an intimate one-to-one and personal activity between two individuals. Typically they will engage in kissing when one or both feel attracted to the other. It is a simple way to express their passion and feelings to the other person.
How a guy may feel after kissing depends a lot on who initiated it. If the guy started it, he is interested in you. But again, whether he enjoyed it or not still remains a question. On the other hand, if you initiated the kissing, the guy may be taken by surprise for all you know. Despite being surprised, he may still enjoy it.
Here are some feelings a guy may have after kissing.
- He will feel pleased and happy. He enjoyed it and found pleasure in the experience. He enjoyed the intimacy and the opportunity to get intimate with you.
- He felt intense attraction for you. A kiss can raise the intensity of the emotional connection between two individuals. It can make the other person more desirable. Typically, kissing is a good tool to express romantic and sexual interest.
- The act of kissing can help in strengthening the emotional connection between the two individuals involved. It can pave the way to building a romantic relationship.
- The simple act of kissing can melt away the pent-up tension in the body. It can help him relax and feel comfortable in your presence.
- Kissing provides the right kind of excitement to take your relationship to the next level. It acts as an energy booster and will provide the adrenaline rush to help you feel over the moon.
Can you gauge his feelings from a kiss?
You finally kissed and enjoyed it too. But this may make you wonder, “What now?”
Does it mean that the guy wants to have a deeper emotional connection with you?
It is hard to read his intentions from a kiss. For this, you may have to pay attention to his behavior before and after kissing as well.
What kind of kiss was that?
Was it a friendly peck on the cheek or forehead? Even if the guy kissed you on the lips, it may not signify romantic interest. A more sensual kiss, involving the tongue and open mouth, denotes his romantic interest in you. Such as a wet kiss or a French kiss.
How did he behave?
Is he interested only in getting physical with you or is he interested in you as a person? This says a lot about his intentions behind kissing and his plans for you in the future.
He wants to get closer
He may initiate kissing if he wants to get closer to you and wants to start a relationship with you. The kiss was just a precursor to what is to follow.
He wants to reveal his feelings
He may have been secretly admiring you for long but never had the courage to approach you. He finds himself tongue-tied when he is in your presence. A kiss is a good way to break the ice.
What goes through a guy’s mind when kissing you?
This is not hard to decipher if you pay attention to his behavior and body language.
Here are some common thoughts guys have while kissing.
“Did I do it right?”
“Is my breath all right?”
“Oh, God! I am so awkward.”
“This is so good.”
“She’s amazing.”
“I hope she is enjoying this as much as I do.”
The Bottom Line
The feelings experienced by a man following a kiss can be quite diverse, influenced by the circumstances and the individual they’re sharing the kiss with. This personal experience and intimacy have the potential to evoke a range of feelings and physical responses.
Among these responses are sensations of pleasure, attraction, a sense of emotional and physical connection, relaxation, and even excitement.
Engaging in open and sincere communication with your kissing partner is vital. This ensures that both parties are at ease with both the physical and emotional aspects of the interaction. Empathy and mutual respect play pivotal roles in constructing a strong, satisfying relationship.