There is nothing less appealing than a guy who constantly brags or boasts about himself.

Whether he’s flaunting his income, detailing his love conquests, or highlighting his physical prowess, it’s a significant turn-off.Â
Guys who engage in this behavior often appear to compensate for their insecurities, which should raise a red flag. If you’re a girl seeking a modest and grounded partner, it’s best to avoid guys who are prone to boasting and self-promotion.
While your boyfriend’s bragging makes you feel irritated, it can also be amusing at times. After all, who doesn’t enjoy hearing about the impressive accomplishments and experiences of others? It can provide a little ego boost. So, when a guy starts boasting, a girl can simply sit back, relax, and appreciate the performance.
Why does a guy brag or blow his own trumpet?
When a guy brags or sings his own praises, there are several potential messages he may intend to convey to a girl.
It could be his way of impressing you and highlighting his achievements. Alternatively, he might be striving to assert superiority over you in some manner by making you feel insignificant. In either scenario, it’s crucial to take note of the circumstances and your emotional response to his bragging.
If it boosts your confidence and makes you feel positive, it’s likely his intention is to create a favorable impression. However, if it leaves you feeling inadequate or distressed, he may be attempting to belittle you.
Let’s explore more on this topic.
He aims to make a favorable impression and showcase his achievements
When a guy brags or boasts about his achievements to a girl, it is often an attempt to leave a positive impact and impress you with his accomplishments. This behavior stems from a desire to be perceived as a confident, accomplished, and successful person in your eyes, essentially seeking your appreciation, endorsement, and validation.
However, in certain instances, such bragging can also be a subtle method of exerting power or control over you. It’s crucial to recognize these underlying intentions and ensure that you do not allow yourself to be influenced or manipulated by such behavior.
He wants you to feel inferior
When your boyfriend brags or boasts about himself, it’s typically an attempt to establish a sense of superiority over you. This is often motivated by a desire to boost his own ego and/or to gain your undivided attention.
Regardless of the underlying motivation, it’s crucial to recognize this behavior and thus avoid being manipulated by him. His intention is to instill a feeling of inadequacy and inferiority within you, with the aim of elevating his own perceived status.
This is a commonly employed strategy by individuals grappling with personal insecurities. If you ever find yourself trapped in such a situation, the most advisable course of action is simply to disengage from it and walk away.
He is aiming to corner your attention
Your boyfriend may seek your attention by showcasing his accomplishments and qualities, trying to impress upon you his monumental attributes and earn your admiration. This strategy is frequently employed by individuals aiming to win your favor or make a positive impression.
When a guy engages in bragging and self-promotion, it is often an attempt to corner your attention and earn your approval. Such behavior can stem from underlying issues like low self-esteem or insecurity and can serve as a means to address these emotional concerns.
If you find yourself uninterested in the guy, it may be advisable to politely extricate yourself from the situation or refrain from supporting this behavior.
He is in love
A guy who is in love with someone and wants a relationship often employs a common strategy of bragging about himself and showcasing his accomplishments and qualities. This approach is employed to leave a favorable impression and increase his desirability in the eyes of the person he is in love with. This strategy can yield positive results in certain instances and the guy may successfully impress and attract his potential partner.
Nonetheless, in other scenarios, this tactic may backfire, leading to a perception of arrogance and self-centeredness. The effectiveness of this approach largely hinges on the particular circumstances and how the guy engaged in bragging comes off.
What can you do when a guy brags or sings his own praises?
When a guy brags or boasts about himself, there are several constructive ways to respond. On one hand, you can opt to listen attentively and show genuine interest in what he is sharing. This demonstrates your active listening skills and your genuine interest in his achievements.
Alternatively, you may choose to inquire further by asking questions related to the subject of his bragging. This approach conveys your eagerness to delve deeper into his experiences and accomplishments, further showcasing your interest.
Lastly, a straightforward way to react is by expressing your admiration and respect for his accomplishments. By doing so, you communicate your appreciation for his achievements and your high regard for him.
Let’s see them in detail.
You may listen and show interest in what he says
When your boyfriend enthusiastically shares his achievements and stories with you, it’s crucial to listen attentively and show genuine interest in his narrative. This approach not only encourages open communication but also provides you with valuable insights into his personality and interests.
Moreover, when you show genuine interest in his words, it conveys a sense of appreciation for his thoughts and perspectives, signifying the importance you place on his viewpoint, which can hold significant meaning for him.
You may ask questions
When your boyfriend proudly tells you about his accomplishments, engage in a conversation by inquiring about the subject he is interested in. This approach enables you to gain a deeper understanding of the person and his ego. Through your questions, you can assess his confidence and self-perception.
Moreover, this approach may subtly convey that you’re interested in getting to know him better. However, it’s important to exercise caution, as excessive questioning could potentially annoy the person over time as it may give him the impression that you are laughing at his expense.
You may act impressed
When your boyfriend proudly discusses his achievements with you, he will appreciate it if you respond with genuine appreciation and admiration. This positive feedback can boost his self-esteem and motivate him to keep sharing.
When you show interest in the conversation, you can gain deeper insights into his personality and interests. Moreover, this approach might help uncover shared interests, which can serve as a foundation for future conversations.
The Bottom Line
It’s always easy to spot a bragger from far away. The telltale signs of a conceited egotist are hard to miss. You will find him consistently directing the conversation towards himself, constantly highlighting his own achievements and experiences. You are not wrong if you feel that all that he can see and hear is himself. If you ever find yourself engaged in a discussion with such a guy, it is best to disengage and walk away. This is for your own good and peace of mind.
However, this is not feasible on many occasions for various reasons. In that scenario, the ideal approach when encountering a guy who engages in self-promotion is to exhibit genuine interest and inquire about his accomplishments.
Demonstrating authentic interest will boost his self-esteem, potentially encouraging a more engaging conversation. If you happen to lack interest in his narratives, it is courteous to excuse yourself and no longer engage with him, for it is unlikely that you can alter his behavior. You may consider to move on.
Being in the company of a guy perpetually striving to outshine others may not be the most pleasant experience.