10 Hidden Meanings When She Said Yes to a Date

So, you plucked up the courage and asked her out on a date. And, she said yes!

When She Said Yes to a Date

You must be over the moon about it. You were so anxious about how she would react when you asked her out. Now you know that she’s also into you. But wait, is it that easy and simple? Is she interested in you?

Of course, she uttered the words you desperately wanted to hear. She definitely said yes. Is she saying yes to a relationship with you? Or is she just lonely and ready for some company? Maybe she just took pity on you and said yes. She may find you interesting and wants to check you out.

Her “yes” can have a wide range of meanings. It can be a green signal but again, how green it is depends.

If you’re confused about the meaning when the girl says yes, read on. In this article, you will find the hidden meanings when a girl says yes to a date and tips on how to handle the situation.

What does she mean when a girl says yes to a date?

When a girl says yes, you may have butterflies in your stomach. But does it mean the difficult part is over and things will be easy from now on?  Is she interested in you? Do you think now you can walk into the sunset holding her hands?

Whoa, hold on tiger, not so fast. You just took the first baby step in your relationship. This is not meant to pour cold water on your head. You need to be in touch with reality when you’re embarking on a new relationship. With your head floating on cloud nine, you may miss out on the clear signals she’s sending your way.

Let’s see what she means when a girl says yes to a date with you.

1. She would like to meet you

If you made the date request through a dating app or online, she may say yes as she wants to meet you in person. After the interactions you had virtually, she may find you interesting and want to see if you’re really the kind of person she thinks you are. 

You need to be aware that this date may come to nothing if she formed a different impression of you than who you really are. When you meet up, she will get a chance to know you personally. Probably, you asked her out for the same reason. You haven’t met her yet and would like to know more about her. 

Virtual dating and dating apps are good only for connecting people. If you really want to know a person, you need to meet them face-to-face. After the first meeting, you will know where you stand with her. If she wants to meet up again, it definitely means you’ve hit the jackpot.

2. She would like to see your behavior toward her

This is one of the major drawbacks of virtual dating. Either of the partners can hide their true selves and project a desirable but fake image of themselves online. It would be unwise to go by the behavior of the person you’re dating online. This is where going on a date assumes importance. 

Understandably, she wants to know what kind of person you are before going further ahead in the relationship. How you handle yourself, how you treat others including her, and what you are ordering while on the date will help her form a clear idea about you as a person. You too must have asked her out on a date to get to know her.

Remember, she may want to go forward with the relationship only if she likes what she sees.

3. She would like to know more about you

You have been talking to her online and even met her a few times. But to get serious about a relationship, this is not enough. It is necessary to spend more time together and get to know each other deeper. When you asked her out on a date, she considered it a good opportunity for this.

She likes what she has seen so far in you but feels the need to know more about your past, your friends and family, your likes and dislikes, your goals and dreams, and your plans for a future with her.  All this is not possible in one date and she’s ready to use every opportunity she gets to get to know you better.

The fact that she said yes is a good sign. It means that she’s interested but wants more information to proceed further.

4. She wouldn’t miss a photo opportunity

She’s active on social media and her profile is flooded with amazing photos of the people in her life, places she has been to, and the food she has come across. Probably she said yes to your date request because she considers it a good photo op. She may click some cozy and intimate pictures and post them on her social media handle with appropriate captions.

If this is her real intention, the fact that she agreed to go on a date with you may not mean much. She may agree to a few more dates with you, click more pictures, make the most of the occasion, and disappear from your life when she finds someone better. This may be the case, if she insists on going to glamorous locations and she shows more interest in clicking pictures than getting to know you.

However, this need not be true as well. Just because she’s fond of posting pictures on her social media profile doesn’t mean she’s not serious about you. You may have to watch for more signs of this.

5. She uses the opportunity to show off 

This is similar to social media addiction. She may be the kind who likes to boast about her relationships and the wonderful times she had with her partner. Again, she may click pictures to show one and all to prove her version of the story. She’s more interested in telling this romantic story and projecting a rosy image than actually getting serious with you. She’s the kind who will say yes to a date to create this fairy tale image for herself.

She’s adamant about where you’re going and what you’re doing. It’s all about location and photo op for her. She will show the least interest in talking to you or getting to know you. As long as she has a good story to tell her friends and pictures to support it, she’s happy.

6. She would like to be friends with you

When a girl says yes to a date, it’s clear that she’s interested in you and likes you. But she’s not yet sure about a relationship. She would like to test the waters by being friends with you. If she finds you an ideal partner candidate for her, she’ll be willing to take it to the next level. She’s using the opportunity of a date to get to know you better and lay the foundation for a life-long friendship.

She was very much aware of your intentions when you asked her out. She’s not averse to this either. But she believes that a healthy relationship is one based on strong friendship. Friendship is an excellent opportunity to build trust, test compatibility, and develop lasting bonds. 

Good friendship takes considerable time, energy, and effort from both partners. She understands this and wouldn’t waste any chance to meet up with you. She’s least bothered about where you are going or what you’re having. 

7. She says yes to everyone who asks her on a date

She likes going on dates with boys and says yes to all of them. But she has no intention to get into a serious relationship with any of them. When a girl says yes to coming on a date with you, you need to be aware that she’s going out with other boys too.

They may come as a surprise and shock to you. You may feel disheartened by her behavior. But you need to understand that she’s casting the net wide and checking out all eligible options. She will be closely watching your behavior. She will be picking the most suitable one amongst all the boys she dated. So, all is not lost, if you really like her. She may still pick you.

If you want to be in a serious relationship with her, go all out to impress her with your charming and impeccable behavior. If you know what she’s looking for in her partner, you will have a better chance. The more dates she agrees to go with you, the better your chances are with her.

8. She’s just flirting

When you asked her out on a date, she considered it an opportunity to flirt with you. She may not be averse to a relationship with you but she’s not considering this seriously at present. She’s just playing around and checking out the options. If she finds you interesting enough, she may agree to another date with you.

She agreed to come on a date with you doesn’t mean anything. So, don’t jump to conclusions. Take it easy. If you’re still interested in her, continue to impress her with your charm and wit. She may not be serious about you now, but if she finds you worthy to be her boyfriend, you will see a change in her attitude toward you.

9. She’s secretly in love with you

You may have noticed her now and asked her out on a date. But she has been watching you from afar for some time now. She couldn’t gather enough courage to approach you or reveal her feelings for you. So, when you suggested a date, she jumped at it. 

She may be shy by nature or doesn’t want to appear too bold or desperate by approaching you earlier. Maybe she doesn’t want to make the first move. Or maybe she expects you to sense her feelings for you and ask her out. She has kept her feelings for you hidden all this while. 

10. She’s into you

She finds you interesting and is keen on going out with you. She’s not the type of girl who will go on casual dates with anyone who asks her out. She will go on a date only with someone she likes and wants to be in a relationship. She’s truly into you.

Even though she wants to be in a relationship with you, she won’t agree to a date with you immediately. She will take her own time to give you a reply. This is a serious decision for her and she invests much time and thought before saying yes to you.

So long as you make the right moves, she will be yours in no time.

What to do when a girl says yes to a date with you?

If she’s not serious about you, nothing you do matters. On the other hand, if she’s interested in you, you need to be careful about how you behave towards her. Because she will be closely watching your every move and word. 

You may find these tips helpful.

  • Be considerate of her needs and preferences while planning the date. Such as where she wants to go, what she wants to do, and what she wants to eat.
  • Watch your step and mind your manners. Conduct in a manner that will impress her. Girls always fall for well-behaved guys.
  • Be polite and respectful. Your chivalry will not go unnoticed. 
  • Ensure that she feels comfortable with you throughout the date. Respect her privacy and individuality. Give her space.
  • Pay close attention when she’s talking. 
  • Respect her “no”s.
  • Offer to take her home afterward. It shows you care that she reaches home safely.
  • Text or call her the day after. You may make video calls as well. This is to let her know that you enjoyed the date and are still interested in her.

What you shouldn’t do when a girl says yes to a date with you?

  • Be mature in your behavior when you’re with her. If you’re too casual, she may misunderstand that you’re not serious about her.
  • Avoid comments or jokes that may make her uncomfortable. Be careful not to overstep the limits.
  • Avoid questioning her about her past. A first date is not the time for discussing the past unless she brings up the topic.
  • Ask for permission before taking pictures with her. 

Does she want to date me?

Even when she’s not saying anything, there are signs that you can look out for to know whether she’s keen on a relationship with you. Maybe it’s her shyness that is preventing her from opening up. Or she’s stalling for time to make sure she wants to commit. Either way, you can know what is on her mind by noticing her behavior and body language.

  • She will text or call you. Video calls are better.
  • She discusses her past and talks to you about her dreams and goals for the future.
  • She will tell you about the people in her life – her friends and family.
  • She will share her problems with you and ask you for advice.
  • She will be ready to spend time with you.
  • She will be cheerful and friendly whenever you meet her.
  • She will be attentively listening to you without distractions.

If your girlfriend is displaying all or most of the above signs, she’s interested in you.

The bottom line

What if she says no? Don’t force her to come out with you. Give her space and time and wait for her to change her mind. In the meanwhile, you can let her know that you’re interested in her. 

What if she is interested but says no? Respect her decision and don’t compel her.

Some may say that girls are too complicated to understand. In fact, if you know how their mind works and the signs to look out for, you will agree that they are simple creatures. This is exactly the reason why it is said that communication is the key to a healthy relationship. 

Whenever you are unsure of where you stand with her, look out for these signs. Girls are emotional beings and they can’t hide how they feel for long. You can easily figure out whether she likes you or not from her behavior and body language.

So, what are you waiting for? Ask her out on a date and see where it takes you.